God’s Protection and Pruning So We Can Grow
Sitting here on a beautiful sunny Saturday morning in the country with a cup of coffee, fireplace glowing, watching the Pioneer Woman with Lisa, (yes a cooking show), but it’s on a ranch!!!
“Come on guy’s don’t judge”!
Looking at all the plants & flowers we had to cover and protect last night due to the impending frost/freeze that did occur.
Thinking about the care and nurturing it takes to get firmly rooted, to flourish during and after trying and sometimes scary periods in our life.
Late spring last year we planted a young Riverbirch out back by the patio. We always wanted a Riverbirch! Soon after planting summer drought set in, so we had to care for and constantly water it all summer till the fall rains set in. We did worry over it. I even found myself praying over it saying, “ Lord let this poor thing survive” as the leaves just kept falling. Really couldn’t tell if it died or survived till recently when it started to bloom. Lisa pruned off all the little limbs that it had to let die in order to survive the drought, keep it’s core strong, coming out on the other side flourishing.
In life we must focus on Christ keeping our core strong and at times letting go of the frivolous & distracting things we sometimes focus on.
In other words, allow them to take away from & spend less time focusing on our core relationship with the Father.
We must realize that our hedge of protection and the blood of Jesus surrounds us as we continually nurture our relationship with Him. Are you allowing Him to prune us when necessary. So not only will we flourish, but the church will too.
As Pastor Nathan always say’s, “not just our local church, but the “Big C church”. Gotta love him.
Pastor, we Love and Appreciate you, Dana, and your family!
Thanks for your Love, Care, & Sacrifice!!!
God’s Speed, Tim