Now What?

Mike Snyder   -  
So here we are, in a pandemic, our world full of worry, panic, and uncertainty.
  • No non-essential travel, no theaters, concerts, or sports to entertain us.
  • No barbers, stylists, or nail salons to help cover up our imperfections and insecurities.
  • No gyms or bars to go to to and work off or drown out stress and worry.
Unemployment sky rocketing while the stock market is plummeting, and worst of all, no idea of when it will subside, no idea of when the next pay check will come in, no idea of just how long you’ll have to hold on. Nothing is certain except uncertainty.
In this time three things have resonated with me and the first is how overwhelmingly blessed my family is to be healthy, employed, and to have grace and mercy supplied by the one and only God that gives us the peace that passes all understanding, calm in the middle of the storm, and hope when all seems hopeless.
The Second is Why?
Some believe it’s a conspiracy created by our own government to cripple the economy and discredit our President.
Some believe its a plan created by a foreign power as population control.
Some believe it’s God’s punishment on a world that has drifted far from His will and commands.
Honestly, I don’t know why, but what I do know is we serve an all knowing God that is in no way surprised or caught off guard by any of this.
No matter if your job has been classified as essential or non essential, whether you have a savings account to carry you through the rest of the year or not a dime to your name or any idea of how you’ll keep the lights on and water running, no matter if you’re perfectly healthy or battling an illness alone in the hospital, no matter if you have an untouchable pension or an obliterated 401k, Scripture tells us in Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Don’t forget, GOD’S GOT THIS!
The third is Now What?
The way I see it is that God has provided us with an opportunity we cannot afford to waste. Most likely this is the first time in all of our lifetimes that nearly every major distraction has been eliminated and nearly everything we have prioritized over God has been stripped away.
So what idol or addiction of yours has been taken away?
Has work become a priority over God on Sundays and Wednesdays?
Has the salon, bar, casino, eating out, going to the movies, buying the latest, greatest electronics, off road vehicles, boats, fishing gear, firearms or fashion accessories etc… taken priority over tithing?
Has social media, gaming, working out, or vegging out in front of the TV taken priority over prayer and devotion?
If any of this describes you, this is an opportunity you cannot afford to waste. If you are spending more time worrying about this pandemic and complaining about your situation than praising God for every day you wake up and every blessing you do have, this is an opportunity you can’t afford to waste.
Romans 8:28 doesn’t say God works all things together for the good of everyone that believes He exists, or everyone that attends church a couple times a month, or even every Sunday, it says for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
So let me ask this, if you love God, how are you showing it? And since we are all called according to His purpose, are you living out that purpose?
Do you know your purpose?
Are you serving the Kingdom, are you giving your time and money to the Kingdom?
Have you given your children to the Kingdom, are you raising them in the fear and admonition of the Lord?
When you sleep in on Sunday are they asking what about church? If they’re not, why is that?
We all have an opportunity to take all this extra time on our hands and put it to use, this is a time for self evaluation, re-connecting with God, sparking a spiritual fire that you’ve never had, re-kindling that fire you once had, put God back in the center of your life, in the center of your marriage, in the center of your family.
Tune in to Hope Church services on Facebook and YouTube, put the Bible app back on your phones home screen, find a devotion to do with your wife and kids.
Philippians 4:4-13 is a perfect example of what God can do in your life and attitude even in the most difficult times. If your outlook is the same as Paul’s, if your relationship with God is solid, then what are you doing to share it with others and help them find the same peace and comfort in the middle of the chaos?
The government may have labeled your job as non-essential but the purpose God has called you to has never been more essential. Take this extra time to reach out and serve God’s purpose by serving your church, your community, and others. Millions are looking for an answer and you have it. It is our obligation and the entire purpose of the great commission to share it.
The stage is set, God is at His best when the world is at its worst. We are His hands and feet, the salt in a bland society, the light in a dark world. If you are not using this time to draw near to God and serve His purpose, you are literally missing a ONCE and a lifetime opportunity.
When you are in need, please ask what Your church can do for you, and when you are not, please ask what you can do for your church.
Praying for you all to stay safe, stay healthy, and stay connected!