What God Means To Me

Dawn Yakimovicz   -  

In this world of uncertainty we are trying to adjust to the ever changing rules of daily living. Terms like, self-quarantine and social distancing have become the new normal. The news blasts us daily with nothing but COVID-19 cases and death numbers. Fear can easily become all consuming if you allow. For someone like me, born with Bipolar Disorder, it is a daily struggle not to give into fear.  I am able to keep the monster, that is what I call fear, away through God.

God is my Protector, Friend, Hand of Kindness, Bulldozer and Leader.

He protects me from giving into fear, anxiety, sadness, depression, pain and feeling lost.

God is my best Friend that listens anytime, to all my words, without judgement.

God is the hand of kindness that reaches out when I am at my lowest and most alone.

God, my bulldozer is clearing the way forward when I do not see.

Most important to me, God is my leader.

God leads me to the right people to help me with all my struggles. Then stands beside me while we do the work necessary to help me get back my life.

He leads me to the path of calm and patiently waits while I catch my breath. He leads me to the path of peace then sits with me and teaches me how to remain.

God opens my eyes to the beautiful gifts of others. Through them, by the hand of God, I am healing.  I am so blessed to witness His miracles all around everyday. I am so blessed that He gave me the sight and will to see. To see the goodness that was there all along.

God is my constant. He is with me and will never leave. That is what God will always be in my life. Forever.

Above all, God is love, without condition.

Dawn Yakimovicz