How My Relationship With God Helps In Times Like These

Kelli Snyder   -  

The feeling of our world right now is different than it ever has been. We are all equal in our uncertainty of the unknown. As well as the fear of what could possibly happen if we get sick ourselves or our family members and what effect that could have. All the overwhelming, non-stop, scary media coverage going on, the President & staff daily COVID-19 updates, & our Governor’s broadcasts to keep us informed on where we are in this time. While good to be informed but it is unnerving at times. Fear & uncertainty, anxiety & worry are all normal and are pretty expected.

I am not scared. I am not overwhelmed. I am not afraid. I am prepared. I am strong. I am reminded daily of the song “Who you say I am.” I am a child of God. Protected and favored because I believe in Him & His power. He saved me from all my self-destruction before & I believe He will not let me down now. He is more powerful than my choices and whatever comes at me as long as I walk in His placed steps for my life. As long as I maintain that love and devotion He asks of me.

So knowing this and standing in that confident relationship I have with Him, I can encourage you that even with all your worries and anxieties you are feeling, God has great peace peace for you.

“The battle is not yours, but mine,” 2 Chronicles 20:15.

“And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us.” 2 Corinthians 1:10.

“God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them” Romans 8:28.

I can tell them that these are God’s words to help ease my anxiety & fears. So when I walk in this confidence I have peace that no one, including myself, understands but we all can definitely use right now and always.

I have gotten through so much in my life and it is only because of God’s favor and protection. Along with His Love and guidance I am able to stand tall and proclaim His peace during this time. I love to journal & write out verses that give me an emotional reaction so that I can continue to grow and go back when I need to read and heal, revive, or whatever I need to get at that moment. So I encourage everyone to start that habit in this time. Think about it. We all have a lot more time on our hands these days then we have & I think that was intentional from God in this time. It’s time to rest in His peace, love, and arms. He has made a way for us to do that. Taking away all the distractions of the world around us so that all we have is Him. Thanks for letting me speak of what God has been showing me during this time.