Don’t Take Anything For Granted

Linda King   -  

I really don’t know how to word this just right but this is just how I have felt through this whole thing…

I think God is trying to let sinners know how much they really need to be saved. I know I have many friends that are thinking about that right now…PRAISE GOD!

I feel like for us that are already saved, He is trying to wake up the sleeping Christian.

We go to church, pay our tithes and worship God while we’re in church, but how many of us really read His Word and worship Him in our homes every day including myself.

We have taken God and freedom for granted too long and I think He is waking us up.

Many of us need to do our first work over and some of us need to just rely on His Word.

I have had many emotions through this: fear, loneliness, anxiety and abandonment. But I can just say this – I believe I am closer to God and know not to rely on anyone but Him to get you through this pandemic. I believe He will!!


I love JESUS CHRIST with all my heart and being alone all the time is the way I got through this.

It may not be over but I know He’s with me always…Be Disciples!

I love every single one of you and miss you dearly ❤🙏❤