God’s Whispers in the Crisis

Donna Schroeder   -  

Some things the Lord has whispered to my heart through this quarantine.

To look around at all He has blessed me with:

First of all Him. He is with me at all times, His sweet reminders during the day that He is carrying me and has my back.

My family and friends. I remember the last time at church and eating out, none of us could imagine a scenario that would prevent that from happening, perhaps for a long time. God said it is not good for man to be alone. So those who are living alone during this quarantine need some extra love and attention. A phone call is huge and can change the whole day. The Bible says do not forget to communicate, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. This time is an opportunity to be an encourager, a lifter of the head, a drink of cold water in Jesus name!

This time alone gives me time to reflect on His goodness, to be still and know He is God. To put my trust in Him! To look around at all He has blessed me with. If I never went to one more Goodwill store, yard sale, Mall, or shop online it would not matter. He has provided all I need. It is time to focus my attention in what matters most. His Kingdom, His heart…what breaks His heart… and what makes Him smile.

This time of quarantine has made me realize how simple are basic needs are. Jesus said with food and clothing to be content. He designed us all to need and help each other. To think on others as more important than ourselves, that is a different way of thinking. What is our intentions in all we do? To hoard or to share? Our days are played out hopefully with thankfulness being mindful of how short life is and how it can change suddenly forever.

It doesn’t seem like we are being told the full or true story, I don’t think I can trust the media anymore. I limit how much I watch. This virus is real, we need to protect each other from contracting it. Still it is hard to understand the extreme measures being taken. The fear and panic promoted and seeing how easily people follow, makes me wonder how easily a Charismatic leader that promises to get us out of the ensuing economic mess could set up a new money system. Could save us all with a chip or mark in our hand or head with incentive money already in our account. As in Revelation the anti Christ and mark of the Beast could be revealed. My blessed hope is that Jesus will come for His Bride the Church and we will be spared the worse to come.

I want to trust God and not fall victim to the fear and panic that grips our hearts with so many changes and uncertainties. If this is the beginning of sorrows, I pray I and all believers stand true through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am looking forward to the quarantine being lifted. I am thinking of this as a reboot! I pray things will get back not to normal, but better than before. That I will be a better, wiser, watching Christian for His return. That Christ will forever and always be my first love!